Sunday, May 25, 2008

first few doily

i love to crochet lately! and this is my 1st doily. since this is the 1st one, it is not a good one. i don't know why it grew bigger and bigger and ended up not a perfect circle... but practice makes perfect! see my better ones below...

after some lessons from the yarn shop "cheer wool" and my friend motu. i'm getting better now... just can't wait to make more!!


aileen ♥ motu said...

very soon, you will have a cover for your sofa!

aileen ♥ motu said...

kae, i have a question for you... now that you have three blogs... when i link your blog to my post, which one shall i link it too lei???? and can i add your other two blogs to my list of friends???

Anonymous said...

Wah! Very nice blog and very nice crochet work!!! haha...

kaekae said...

motu... link anywhere you want la!! hehehe...

kaekae said...

stan... thanks... and thanks for the yarns!! i love to shop at cheer wool!!

(fr: your vvvvvip customer)