Sunday, August 24, 2008

birthday gifts for brownie & sugar

B for brownie...
S for sugar...

i made this ugly cushions for motu's lovely doggies...

Friday, August 22, 2008

passport holder

i modified this to a passport holder...

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

pouch for another aug girl

this is a no special purpose pouch... simply just worked on it as my idea flows. but it turns out pretty good... can fit my iphone too wor... i think it can fit some cosmetic too la... or... even use it as wallet!! hahaha...

i gave it to the birthday girl tonight... she said she will use it for her passport!! great idea!! i think i will make one more for myself... heheheh.e...

recycle bag for the sporty aug girl

this bag is for a super recycle bag fans... for her birthday... last year, i made her a copycat of "i'm not a plastic bag", this year... i wanted to make her a 2 sided recycle bag... but when i switch on my sewing machine and dig out the cloth this weekend... i found out i only have a small quantity of floral clothes...
my dear... i owe you another one!! stay tuned!!

Friday, August 8, 2008

baby shoes

a lot of my friends are giving birth lately... i'm trying to crochet some little shoes for them... this is my first one... but it seems a bit small... i don't think her/his baby can fit into it... i think i have to re-do again...